Thursday, July 14, 2016

Mentoring in the Church

Hello everyone, welcome to the first episode of Sharin Hearts; your Christian mentoring connection for resources, tools, and encouragement into the journey of discipleship through mentoring.  This is your host Sharon Hoskins. 

Today, I would like to talk about the lack of Christian mentoring within the church. 

While the church is faithful to offer discipleship to those who are new to the Christian faith, it has overlooked the importance of a continued discipleship through mentoring.

I didn’t understand the importance of having a mentor until recently and realized that the most difficult time of my Christian life was when I had no one to share it.    

Although I went to church and was a part of the ladies group, I didn’t have that specific person that I could call on for prayer and counsel. 

I’ve learned that having a mentor is having someone to share in my struggles and joys.

My mentor is my cheerleader, my sounding board, and my confidante.  She is a person that will pray with me, listen to my emotional craziness, and give me godly wisdom and counsel. 

I believe that the lack of mentoring offered in the church is a lack of an awareness of its importance.   

This problem can be solved by starting a program that connects women for the purpose of mentoring. 

This program would explain mentoring, make it available, and allow women to build relationships to find a mentor that is right for them. 

I started asking the ladies at my church about mentoring; their opinions, thoughts, ideas, and experiences.  This has already made an impact on at least one relationship.

With the help of two or three women who share the same passion, mentoring can become contagious within the church. 

Talking about it will make others aware of how important it is and cause them to join in. 

I would ask you to prayerfully consider mentoring, no woman is too young or old to be a mentor or have a mentor. 

I hope this has encouraged you to get involved in mentoring.  If you have any questions, ideas, or advice please leave a comment.  You can follow this site and like Sharin Hearts on Facebook; I’d love to have you join me on this journey to learn and grow together.

Let’s begin a new trend and start sharing our hearts through mentoring each other! 

I look forward to our future visits, talk to you soon…bye!