My goal for 2017 was to have a closer relationship with the Lord at the end of the year than I had at the beginning. I can honestly say that there were many lessons I learned, I acquired some knowledge, I gained understanding that helped me renew my mind and build upon the foundation of my relationship with Him. My "aha" moment; that moment when I could feel scales fall from my eyes, like I could see something more clearly, came in July during an interview with Ginger Green. Ginger is a board certified Biblical Counselor and a trained Christian Mediator.
As she shared about secular humanism invading the church and how the idea that Christians can't help their habits and low self-esteem is contradictory to scripture, I began to wonder if I had personally been invaded. Low self-esteem had been my specialty. I figured the best I could do was sit in a corner and be thankful for whatever God swept my way. My failures and faults were always at the forefront determining my worth. In my eyes, there was always someone with a better education that could do a better job and could execute God's missions and goals with marksmanship. Why would God choose me?
I had been guilty of believing that my opinion of myself determined how well I could function as a Christian. As much as I wanted to change that opinion, it never seemed to improve because I didn't really know what it meant to "be in Christ." I understood the idea of being in Christ; being a new creation, scripture tells us this fact "Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" 2 Corinthians 5:17. I could read it, speak it, and know it to be true, but I couldn't apply it to my own life because of my own sin.
My sin was self-idolatry. I had placed "self" where Christ needed to be in my life. Self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence needed to be Christ-esteem, worth, and confidence. The only way I could find freedom was to kneel before the cross and repent. Sin cannot be managed, it must be uprooted through the cross. The fingerprint of God is placed over me for I am in Christ; a new creature.
You can find the interview with Ginger Green and the series of broadcasts that discuss the topic of knowing who we are in Christ by following
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