Friday, May 24, 2019

The Zombie Apocalypse

Well, I'm almost to the end. I just finished treatment number 11 of 16, so I have 5 more to go. For the first time in many weeks, I did not have insomnia on chemo night. It must be due to the fact that I am now dealing with fatigue more than ever before.

Fatigue is defined as extreme tiredness or exhaustion. I'm not sure that really covers it all. It almost feels like a place of complete vegetation or zombie-like state. I struggle to do anything productive and mindlessly move about the house with all efforts to get back to my chair.

 CDC Preparedness
Since I feel like a zombie, it made me curious about the zombie apocalypse that has all the sci-fi drama and causes some of us to laugh at the thought of people believing it will come true.

So, I looked it up. A zombie apocalypse is a widespread rise of zombies hostile to human life engaging in a general assault on civilization. This sounds familiar. We have one group of people hostile against another group of people and they engage in verbal assaults and accusations that destroy peoples lives.

According to my research, a person becomes a zombie when they are infected by other zombies, which can be through physical contact or through the air. Okay, so, if we think of the airways as a means of infection and we think of the zombies as those who push the world views, then zombies are infecting us and our children every day.

Since this is a blog for Christian mentoring, I will say that this should concern us as believers. Could we be taking on some of the world views simply because we are watching too much news, celebrity talk shows, or television in general?

There is a popular tv show where a group of women discusses the latest news and highlights in front of a live audience. One day they were discussing a controversial judge ruling of a celebrity. When the women on the panel agreed with the ruling there was overwhelming praise from the audience. Then when the women disagreed with the ruling there was overwhelming praise from the audience. Was there anyone in the audience who would disagree with the thoughts of the women on the panel?

Do we somehow think that celebrities, politicians, professors, etc are the final authority of how we should think and believe? Our final authority is the Word of God; it is absolute truth in this age of claims that there are no absolute truths - something has to be absolute - a claim that there is "no absolute truth" is a claim of absolute in itself.

It can be difficult in the workplace, school, and in social settings to stand against the views that are against God's truth. People can almost make us feel guilty for not having "compassion for causes" that are against our Christian faith. But, our compassion is for their eternal soul not for their temporal cause.

I get concerned that my children will be zombie infected so I work hard at home to teach them the truth of God's word. Since my cancer diagnosis, I was unable to finish writing the school day devotions, but I never stopped teaching them His word. I can't teach them what I don't know so I have to spend time learning it as well.

I know how it feels to want to veg-out and not think. To turn on a mindless movie and escape the stress of the day. To play one of the many mindless games on our phone or tablet. To do nothing because your just too tired to do anything. But, when that becomes the constant outlet, is my mind more susceptible to becoming one of the undead zombies because it is easier to just let others think for me?

I could start letting the pastor and teachers tell me what God's word says rather than getting in and reading, studying, digging, praying, researching it for myself. I could actually become a zombie Christian, going through the motions of Christianity because that's what I have been told to do, say, think, and believe, but never really know it in my heart. Neglecting God's word will put me and my children at risk of becoming zombies; Christian or otherwise.

So, I laugh no more! We are already in a zombie apocalypse, just not in the way I have always thought of it.

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