Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Beginning

Before we begin, I thought it would be good to share a little about myself and how God has placed mentoring on my heart.  The past two years of my Christian life has probably been the most difficult of all.  In October of 2014, I resigned from my position as ladies minister at my church and my family moved.  Making new friends at a new church in a new town is not easy and I often felt alone.  There were times that I struggled with issues, while sorting my emotions, and keeping my faith strong in a very difficult time. 

I recently spent a week with four amazing women at a get-a-way retreat for women in ministry. 

We were strangers at the beginning of the week; meeting for the first time, but by the end of the week we were friends.  It was hard to say good-bye.  We were each bound to the other by the common thread of Christ.  This is where I was introduced to mentoring; first by God in prayer.  The next morning, over coffee, I was sharing with one of the women how God spoke to me about mentoring (still having no idea what it meant), when she excused herself only to come back with a book about mentoring by Jayme Hull called Face to Face, and gave it to me as a gift.  Later that day, during our group session, a different woman shared how she believed mentoring was so important for women.  I couldn’t believe my ears, in just a few short hours God had presented me with a direction, a resource, and a confirmation. 

Christians are not meant to live in isolation; we need each other.  Following God can sometimes be difficult on everyone and hard for people to accept that you are doing the right thing, so when I resigned and moved; it caused a “break-up” for me.  Without a mentor, I had no one to talk to, pray with, and sort out my emotions.

However, before the end of my incredible get-a-way week, I asked a special woman, Jan, who believed in the importance of mentoring, to be my mentor. 

Now, my mentoring journey begins.



  1. Hi Sharon,

    I really enjoyed this post! I think this was a great way to start off your blog, sharing a little about yourself showing us some background information is great. I look forward to reading more of your post!


  2. Hi Tayler,
    Thank you, I appreciate your kind words and encouragement.
